On September 6, 2021, Owen West (Mac) McWhorter left this world for Heaven.Mac was a loving husband, father, and DooDaddy to his grandchildren. Mac loved Lubbock. He was part of the fabric of the community his entire life. From growing up in Lubbock, attending college, and law school, Lubbock was home. Mac enjoyed practicing law at McWhorter, Cobb, & Johnson, teaching Business Law at Texas Tech, cooking great meals, and hanging by his pool. In the best of moments, you would find Mac around a dinner table with family and friends, traveling to a new country with his beloved wife Carol, or on a mountain stream casting for the perfect trout.Mac loved life and time with his family. Carol was the joy in his day and the love of his life. They traveled, searched for new art, crafted a beautiful summer backyard, and loved spending time together. As a father, Mac raised his daughters to be strong and caring women. As they grew up and went on to college, he wrote handwritten notes about what was happening in life at home or how proud he was of each of them. Mac had the blessing of watching Meghan and Kathleen as they grew from young girls to ladies. He loved them in the biggest and simplest of ways. From teaching his girls to drive, installing their teenage car stereo, walking them down the aisle for their weddings, and seeing them raise his grandchildren.Mac was a gentleman. He had an incredible sense of humor and sought joy in each day. As his health took a turn for the worse, Mac embraced that challenge in his typical way. He didn’t want anyone to make a big deal over him and was the happiest when Carol, his two daughters, and family were by his side. On his last Christmas, Mac made it full of family time and memories. From his traditional McWhorter Christmas meal to sitting at the head of the table in his crisp dress shirt, red sweater, and new cowboy hat, Mac joyfully hosted his family on his favorite day.As a family, we mourn the loss of a dear man who loved us and loved life; but we take heart that he now has no pain, is fly fishing all day, and driving his Porsche as fast as he wants. For that and many more reasons, we remain grateful for the time we had and the love he shared. Until then, Daddy, DooDaddy, and Mac, we love you and look forward to when we hug you again.Mac’s Family…On June 11, 1945, Owen West was born to Owen and Katherine “Katie Mae” McWhorter, Sr. in Lubbock, Texas. He married Carol McKelvy on November 23, 1985, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lubbock, Texas. Mac’s family includes: his wife, Carol McWhorter; his children, Meghan McWhorter Sewell and husband Collin of Odessa, Texas, Kathleen Cain and husband Will of Dallas, Texas, and his grandsons: Meacham Sewell, Harris Sewell, Nolan Sewell, Charlie Cain, and West Cain; Carol’s daughter Dawn Harral and husband Jeff, their daughter Allie Silva and her husband Pablo, and their children: Pablo, Sofia, & Emilia; Carol’s son Chris Harmel and his wife Magdulin. He was preceded in death by his parents, Owen and Katherine “Katie Mae” McWhorter, Sr.The Family of Owen West (Mac) McWhorter, Jr. will celebrate his life of 76 years at Noon on Monday, September 13, 2021, followed by a time of fellowship at the St. Paul’s on the Plains Episcopal Church. He passed on Monday, September 6, 2021. We invite you to visit www.memorialdesigners.net to view the live-streamed service, sign his virtual guestbook, and download his memorial keepsake folder to your device for printing. We want to thank Judy, Amanda, Venessa, and Joann for their love and wonderful care each of them gave Mac in his final months.