
Frank Emre

July 24, 1956 - November 26, 2023
Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers
6025 82nd Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
Wednesday 11/29, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The Heights Fellowship
6108 66th St.
Lubbock, TX 79424
(806) 771-8415 | Map
Thursday 11/30, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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Frank Emre was born July 24, 1956, to Charles and Veronica Lepp Emre in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. He was born and raised on his family’s farm in Canada and was a true farm boy, learning to drive the farm truck at the young age of 9 years old. His childhood was filled with the adventuresContinue Reading

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Tree 2 trees were planted in memory of Frank Emre
Juda McKinney left a message on December 14, 2023:
I am just seeing the loss of Frank, I am truly devastated for and all the family... Loved his character he was one in a million.....God be with you! Juda McKinney
Jeffrey Allgood left a message on December 7, 2023:
I met Frank when I was 15. Man, we had some good times! He got me in lots of trouble with my parents. The van was wild. The dune buggy was wild. His pickup was wild. Never a dull moment. You will be missed Frank.
Robin Heater left a message on November 30, 2023:
I want to share my sincere condolences to Suze and Frank’s entire family. I did not know Frank personally. I knew him from one of our group of friends on Twitter for the show On Patrol Live. Suze would share his very funny T-shirts and his funny thoughts. He was well loved amongst us. You will always be in my prayers. Rest in peace.
#OPLive left a message on November 30, 2023:
Much love to all the family and friends of Frank we will be here for you from your #OPLive family
Loren Dunkle left a message on November 30, 2023:
When our son was 7 or 8 years old,we were all working at the soccer fields for clean up day. We had our son there with us. Frank taught him to take a straw.put it inside his shirt to his armpit,blow through it and it would make farting noises. Our son loved it!
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Carol Emre left a message on November 30, 2023:
Rest in peace Frank. Your spirit lives on forever in all of us and in all our wonderful memories of the times we shared.
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Frank Emre . Plant a Tree
Tim Walsh left a message on November 30, 2023:
I only knew Frank through Suzy and the On Patrol Live family on Twitter. I know of the love she and Frank shared. That will last forever. While Frank will be missed his memories will only grow stronger. God bless his family.
Jennifer Branch left a message on November 29, 2023:
I pray the Lord will bless you and your family with strength and peace at this difficult time. Hugs and prayers for you all.
Judy Lanotte left a message on November 28, 2023:
Judy GreeneWilkins Lanotte When I think of Frank, I picture him smiling, as always, and always making you feel welcomed & special. He was always so happy to help everyone. He had a very kind heart. Nick & I thought the world of him. Know they are hanging out in Heaven together. Will miss you, Frank. Love you!♥
Brenda Lara left a message on November 28, 2023:
I knew Frank for a short amount of time. He always had a smile and you could sense his warm nature. He had excellent work ethics. I know he will be missed by his families and friends and those of us who knew him for a very short amount of time. He is blessed to be in heaven now, and no longer in any pain and he will always be watching down on those he loves.
Seashellsurfer left a message on November 28, 2023:
I had the opportunity to get to know Frank and Suzy through a shared love of OPLive on X(formerly Twitter). I wanted to say that it was always a bright spot to see his jokes and his smile. My sincerest condolences to Suzy and the family. May you find peace in your memories and your love for Frank.
Lucy Lanotte left a message on November 28, 2023:
To my dear daughter, Suzy, and to Remi, Myles, Daniel and Skyler: I remember meeting Frank at church. I was taking dinner money at a regular Wednesday night dinner. He would come through the line, always smiling and often cracking a joke or two. His eyes sparkled and he was always happy and always helping out, either with people and their needs, or with church functions. So, my daughter (Suzy) was also active at the church and attending the Wednesday night dinners. Well, on one of these evenings, Frank was bouncing around and chatting and then he and Suzy came up to the table....Frank offered to pay for Suzy's dinner. There was a bit of playful discussion between the two of them, then Suzy looked at me and asked what I thought. I told them I was not going to get involved in the "battle" (as I could see the interest they each had for the other) I just smiled, turned my head and said "next".... Their relationship started out as a bud at the dinner stage, and grew to a deeper love and relationship that would involve all four boys, with a wedding taking place in 2007. I saw Frank as a friend, son (-in-law), father, and a wonderful giving and loving husband to my daughter, Frank's relationship with his sons was outstanding. Remi, Myles, Daniel, and Skyler each had (and have) strong qualities, which Frank encouraged. They enjoyed each other's company and doing things together, Some fun memories of Frank with the boys: Cooking dinner at my house (I believe it was for a Thanksgiving dinner). Each son had something they wanted to bring for the they "invaded" my kitchen to prepare dinner. I stepped out and "relinquished" the kitchen to them. They had a ball and the dinner was outstanding! As a husband, from a mother-in-law's point of view, Frank was supportive of his wife, always doing things to help her, encourage her, and always showing his love and appreciation of her. He brought so much happiness into Suzy's life. Suzy loves each of the boys as if they were her own. They truly became a family! And at one point, one of the boys (I believe it was Myles) looked at me and asked, "what should be call you?" After some chit-chat with them, it was decided that I would be their G-Ma. Through the years, I have been blessed to have Frank as a son (-in-law) and a friend. He was always helping out and doing things to make my life easier. And always fun--for example, when he and the boys decided to put Christmas lights on my house...they had a good time, and they all survived! Frank, you are loved and you are missed, but you will always be in my heart. And, by the way, the Christmas cactus you gave me last Christmas is blooming beautifully (you are still here). With love, Mom and G-Ma
Katie Beth Barton left a message on November 27, 2023:
From the moment I met Frank, he welcomed me with wide open arms. Not just as a friend, but as family. I will forever cherish the many Emre family get togethers that were filled with so much laughter, many many jokes, and Frank insisting that I try the different rare cheese he brought for the occasion! Frank was fun and ornery! He was so quick witted and would always give you a hard time. It was his way of showing love. He also had such a kind heart and he radiated joy. He lit up a room, brought laughter wherever he went, and made sure everyone always felt loved and welcomed! What an honor it is to have known Frank and witness his joy. Thank you for sharing him with me. We will forever miss Frank and the world is a little less bright without him. But his legacy of love and laughter lives on through the Emre family! Love you all dearly!
Mike Seither left a message on November 27, 2023:
I didn't Frank, just his wife Suzy. But Franks humor made laugh as shared through his wife. RIP Frank, you had truly amazing life.
Teresa Sturm left a message on November 27, 2023:
I only had the honor of knowing Frank thru Twitter with the rest of OP Nation. I loved the funny memes that Suzy shared from Frank. They were sure to make you laugh! I loved reading about his wonderful life above! It's very clear that he has been an influence in many lives! Our deepest condolences to the entire family during this difficult time!!
Julie Runnion left a message on November 27, 2023:
Although I never met Frank I feel like I knew the kind of man he was and from all these wonderful things I see I was right! He loved his Suzy and definitely put a smile on many people's faces! I will miss his funny shirts and his humor! Suzy you and the whole family are in my prayers! Hugs and lots of love!
Pam Puryear left a message on November 27, 2023:
When my youngest Brittany requested to be baptized it was Frank she chose to perform the sweet act. She always loved Frank’s joy, passion and humor! He will be missed!
Marie Ann Rivers left a message on November 27, 2023:
Sent with love and remembrance, Please accept my condolences.
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Frank Emre . Plant a Tree
Frank Hahn left a message on November 27, 2023:
I met Frank back in the 70s we both had vans in the day. We enjoyed many trips driving around in the vans doing things we shouldn't. We eventually found more people with our same interests in vanning and started a club. We had a lot of good times. Very fond memories
Susan Andersen left a message on November 27, 2023:
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Frank's death. He was a fighter. Though we had not seen each other for awhile, I have many memories of him as a collector. For example, I remember his small living room being filled with a custom made rack for laser discs of movies. Likewise, he had a huge record collection and made me a few mix cassettes. The young people will probably not know what I am talking about, since this is all old technology now. I remember what a snappy dresser he was, always in style. I remember his baseball cap collection hanging on the wall which my children messed up. I am having trees planted in a wildfire area in his name through Arbor Day.
Lake Ridge Chapel & Memorial Designers left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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