
  • How Grief Rituals Help on Valentine’s Day

    Since the Middle Ages, Valentine’s Day has been defined as a day specifically for love and affection. At Lake Ridge Chapel & Memorial Designers, we hear from families in Lubbock who say it’s a tough holiday to face when you’ve recently lost someone special. For some, this is the first Valentine’s Day that their loved […]

  • 4 of the Most Popular Personalization Options

    At Lake Ridge Chapel & Memorial Designers, one of the questions we are often asked is, “How can I make the service for my loved one feel more personal?” This is a question our experienced team welcomes from the Lubbock families we serve, knowing how much a meaningful service can help their grief process as […]

  • Reflections on the Year: A Year-End Review

    As the new year starts, it can be tempting to begin planning for the rest of the year. A fresh start is appealing for many reasons—it can provide a burst of energy and enthusiasm during the depths of winter and prompt the forming of new healthy habits. Before getting caught up in New Year’s resolutions […]

  • Holiday Self-Care Strategies for Grieving Individuals

    Self-care is paramount when grieving the death of a loved one, but it’s easy to forget yourself when the pain of a loss feels overwhelming. The holiday season can exacerbate these feelings, no matter how long it has been since losing your loved one. There are many ways to tend to your own well-being during […]

  • Why Funerals Matter

    From time to time families ask us, “Is a funeral necessary?  My loved one is gone and they are not going to know if we have a service or not.  Does it really matter?”   At  Lake Ridge Chapel & Memorial Designers we do all we can to provide multiple funeral service options to meet […]

  • Honoring the Legacy of Charli Jones

    Each year at Christmastime, our staff at Lake Ridge Chapel & Memorial Designers, with the help of our community, celebrate the big-hearted spirit of Charli Jones. After her passing in 2019, Charli’s parents requested toy donations be made in her honor during the holiday season—a reflection of their daughter’s passion for helping others. Visit our […]

  • Why More People Are Writing Light-Hearted Obituaries

    When you think of writing a meaningful obituary for a loved one who has died, adding light-hearted stories or details may not occur to you. Yet more families in Lubbock and beyond are featuring funny, optimistic, and even playful content in an attempt to express what their loved one meant to them.   At Lake […]

  • How to Talk to Your Parents About Preplanning

    Here at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers, we’ve noticed in recent years that more and more people are planning their own funeral. And some choose to do it rather early in life – many as soon as they retire. These people realize that not only are they taking the opportunity to express their own […]

  • Meaningful Ways to Honor a Veteran

    Throughout our many years of serving Lubbock families, our staff at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers have held to this belief: There is no greater honor than caring for veterans and their families. For us, it’s one way to say thank you to those brave men and women who give so much to protect […]

  • 4 Reasons to Choose a Family-Owned Funeral Home

    One of the questions we’re often asked here at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers is whether there’s any noticeable difference between a family-owned funeral home and a funeral home that is part of a corporate-owned chain. Our answer is always a resounding, “Yes!”   Our family has been committed to serving our neighbors in […]